Inland Camino Vasco

Stages on foot / Stages by bike

Camino Vasco Francés

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Stages on foot

12 stages / 252 km or 9 stages / 199 km

Stage 1

Camino Vasco stage 1

Length: 24.9 km


Stage 2

Camino Vasco stage 2

Length: 19.2 km (11.93 miles)


Stage 3

Camino Vasco stage 3

Length: 18.6 km (11.5 miles)


Stage 4

Camino Vasco stage 4

Length: 17 km (10.56 miles)


Stage 5

Camino Vasco stage 5

Length: 21.9 km (13.61 miles)


Stage 6

Camino Vasco stage 6

Length: 27.8 km (17.3 miles)


Stage 7

Camino Vasco stage 7

Length: 18.8 km (11.7 miles)


Two alternatives: Finish in Santo Domingo / Vía de Bayona

Finishing in Santo Domingo

Stage 8B

Camino Vasco stage 8b

Length: 30.1 km


Stage 9B

Camino Vasco stage 9b

Length: 20.7 km (13 miles)


Finishing in Burgos (Vía de Bayona)

Stage 8

Camino Vasco stage 8

Length: 17.1 km


Stage 9

Camino Vasco stage 9

Length: 16,4 km


Stage 10

Camino Vasco stage 10

Length: 23.2 km (14 miles)


Stage 11

Camino Vasco stage 11

Length: 19.2 km (11.93 miles)


Stage 12

Camino Vasco stage 12

Length: 28 km (17.4 miles)


Stages Camino Vasco by Bike

4 Stages / 201 km
Stages Path Km Difficulty
Stage 1 Irún – Tolosa 44
Stage 2 Tolosa – Salvatierra/Agurain 61
Stage 3 Salvatierra/Agurain – La Puebla de Arganzón 45
Stage 4 La Puebla de Arganzón – Santo Domingo de la Calzada 51
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Frequent Questions about the Camino Vasco

As you can see in the section on stages, the Camino Vasco can be done in two ways; in the direction of Santo Domingo or towards Burgo (also known as the Vía de Bayona). The former is made up of 9 stages, while the latter boasts 12. Both stages later join up with the Camino Francés.

Along this route you will travel through many beautiful towns, each with its own personal charm. However there is a series of towns that pilgrims usually fall in love with, namely: Hernani, Zegama o La Puebla de Arganzón, among others.

The mountain range of Aizkorri and the Tunnel of San Adrián, are unmissable icons of nature on this route.

The Camino Vasco is one of the many secondary routes that make up the network that is the Camino de Santiago. It came about as an alternative to the Camino del Norte and the Camino Francés when the former was under siege by the Norman vikings and the latter was under Arabic dominion.

On we have much more complete information about this, and many more routes. Check out our website to discover all the routes that make up the Camino de Santiago; its stages, maps and even its villages with recommendations on what to see in each one.

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