Your travel agency for the Camino de Santiago

Discover the different routes of the Camino de Santiago

Check out all the stages and kilometres of the main Jacobean routes

French Way

764 Km
St. Jean Pied de Port
Stages on foot
33 days
Stages by bike
14 days

Portuguese Way

620 Km
Stages on foot
25 days
Stages by bike
11 days

Northern Way

824 Km
Stages on foot
34 days
Stages by bike
18 days

Primitive Way

313 Km
Stages on foot
14 days
Stages by bike
7 days

English Way

119 Km
Ferrol / Coruña
Stages on foot
6 days

Portugués por Costa

266 Km
Stages on foot
13 days
Stages by bike
4 days

Finisterre and Muxía

119 Km
Stages on foot
5 days

Sanabres Way

369 Km
Granja de la Moruela
Stages on foot
13 days
Stages by bike
7 days

Silver Route

970 Km
Stages on foot
36 days
Stages by bike
16 days

Winter Way

263 Km
Stages on foot
10 days
Mapa Camino Francés Mapa Camino del Norte Mapa Camino Portugués Mapa Camino Primitivo Mapa Camino Sanabrés Mapa Camino Inglés Mapa Camino de Invierno Mapa Vía de la Plata Mapa Camino Portugues por la costa Mapa Camino Fisterra a Muxía

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Discover the best experiences
to travel along the Camino de Santiago

We recommend two of the best ways to tackle the adventure that is the Camino.

camino de santiago from sarria image

Camino de Santiago from Sarria

Discover one of the most chosen routes by pilgrims from all over the world and get the compostela.

camino de compostela distance image

How long is the camino de santiago?

Find out the distance of your route to Compostela to better organize your trip.

history of camino de santiago image

History of Camino

Learn more about the history of this route and why it has become so important.

The Camino de Santiago

Everything you need to know, step by step

Why do the Camino de Santiago?

There are many reasons that might inspire you when it comes to going on a pilgrimage to Santiago. After several years working along the Camino we have found several reasons that keep pilgrims’ feet moving over every kilometre of the route to Santiago. We will fill you in on all of them, and we hope that you can identify with some of them. If you haven’t yet decided whether or not to do the Camino, this should be the definitive step:

Visit the Apostle’s tomb

The reasons why the Camino came about originally were to visit the Cathedral of Santiago and beg forgiveness for your sins, to bless yourself before a coming battle, to pray for miraculous cures or to visit the remains of the Apostle, which rest in the Cathedral. Nowadays, visiting the tomb is still one of the main reasons for the pilgrimage.

Live a new adventure

The Camino is the perfect place to get away from the monotony of everyday life and discover places off the beaten track : areas where the sea meets the green meadows, paths with such lush vegetation that the sunlight can hardly pass through, streams or waterfalls that give you a sense of peace and quiet that is otherwise difficult to find. All of this can be found in the adventure of the Camino.

Meet other pilgrims

Along the Camino, you can find people from all over the world. Many people are afraid of setting off on their own, however the journey to Santiago has the magic of bringing like-minded people together and creating unbreakable bonds. Even if you prefer to live this experience by yourself, you can always share your tales with other pilgrims. Make a friend on the Camino and it’s possibly a friend for life…

Personal Growth

Not everyone has the ability to face the hardships of the Camino, whether due to a disability or advanced age. However, there are some brave people who, despite their issues, decide to take a chance on the Camino in order to outdo themselves and achieve the goal of arriving in Santiago de Compostela. The perfect example of a pilgrim with a desire to show their courage,if you are over 65 years old, or you think your body won’t allow you to face this challenge, don’t write yourself off! The Camino has a route for everyone. You can experience its magic!

Appreciate its Cultural Heritage

If there’s one thing the Camino can offer, it’s a wealth of historical and cultural heritage. Its routes have been travelled by pilgrims for many centuries and different civilisations have left their mark on each of its villages. From impressive cathedrals, iconic churches or castles that have formed part of the ancient history of the Camino.

Which Camino should I choose?

First time on the Camino? Maybe you didn’t know that the Camino de Santiago is made up of a network of interconnected routes all over Spain? Don’t worry if you are a little overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of information about the routes. We will break it down for you so you can know what is what, and decide which one is best for you.

If you are familiar with the routes, you can click on “Learn more” in each Camino to access more in-depth information. In our main section Caminos, we speak about all the stages that each Camino is made up of, its villages and the most relevant sights to see along each route.

When should you do the Camino?

One of the biggest worries when going on an adventure along the Camino is knowing when is the best time of year to do it. Within the four seasons that make up the year, we can group them into 3: summer, winter and autumn/spring. Doing the Camino in one season or another, can greatly affect your plans when it comes to packing your bag and even for booking/finding available accommodation between stages.

Camino de Santiago in Summer

The Camino in Summer

This is the time of year when the largest number of pilgrims gather along the different routes that make up the Camino de Santiago. The main reason behind this phenomenon is the free time available to the pilgrims in order to be able to do it, given that it coincides with the holidays of the majority of workers. The climate also has its influence, although the elevated temperatures at the peak of summer can make walking stressful and even in some cases, dangerous.

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Camino de Santiago in Winter

The Camino in Winter

Seeing the routes of the Camino de Santiago with their landscapes covered in snow is an image worth witnessing. However, due to the aggressive climate with heavy snow in certain elevated areas, for example O Cebreiro, intense rain in other cases and the low temperatures in the majority of the accommodation, this can quickly turn into an authentic odyssey for the pilgrim. Although there are always some who prefer to see these factors as a challenge…

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Camino de Santiago in Autumn

The Camino in Autumn/Spring

These two season are probably the ideal time of year to do the Camino. Why? The climate and the temperatures are usually more stable and less harsh than in other seasons. Moreover, few people can resist the idea of walking among the flowers blooming in spring or the leaves falling from the trees in autumn.

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How Should I do the Camino?

Mainly on Foot. This is the way it has been done since its beginnings and nearly all the pilgrims do it this way. However, over time, other ways of doing it have come about and some have become quite important, as is the case of doing it by bike or on horseback. Such is their importance that they have been included as possible requirements in order to get the Compostela.

Other secondary ways of doing the camino that haven’t fully caught on yet include: doing the Camino with your dog, who can get its own credentials stamped and get its Compostela, thanks to the Association for the Protection of Animals of the Camino de Santiago; o doing the Camino in kayak , along the Rías Baixas, you can follow the same route as the remains of the Apostle before their arrival to Galiian land.

Camino de Santiago on Foot

The Camino on Foot

As we have already mentioned, this is the main way of doing the Camino. Almost 8 out of 10 pilgrims complete their journey in this way, and the routes are mainly designed for walkers. If you want to get the Compostela on foot, you must fill in the Pilgrim’s Credential with two stamps per stage, and a minimum journey of 100km, highlighting the start and finishing point, and it should be stamped in chronological and geographical order.

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The Camino de Santiago by Bike

The Camino by Bike

This is one of the increasingly popular ways of doing the Camino, that every year claims more and more devotees, with almost 2 out of every 10 pilgrims doing the Camino by bike this year. In this way, pilgrims can complete more kilometres in less time. There are those who believe that the Camino should be done slowly and deliberately, but doing the Camino more quickly and taking advantage of the opportunity to see more regions also has its appeal. Unlike doing it by foot, it is necessary to complete 200km in order to achieve the Compostela.

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Camino de Santiago on Horseback

The Camino on Horseback

This is an especially attractive option, although not so common. The issue with doing the Camino in this way is that it is necessary to choose the horse well, so that it gets used to the rider quickly and doesn’t scare easily. Moreover, a more exhaustive search for accommodation with facilities to provide shelter for animals is needed. The exact same requisites are in place to achieve the Compostela as doing it on foot.

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What to take on the Camino?

It’s more than likely that you have asked yourself this question, whether you are going to do the Camino or not, above all to prepare yourself and know how to face an adventure in the moment that you decide to go for it. To that end, we will provide with a short list of recommendations so that you can imagine what might be necessary to take with you on the Camino. There are different criteria regarding what is necessary or different utensils etc, however we will fill you in on what’s most important for us below.

What to Take on the Camino de Santiago
  • Backpack with between 35 and 45 litre capacity
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Water bottle
  • Footwear: Hiking boots
  • Comfortable trousers for walking
  • 3 or 4 sets of underwear and socks
  • Wash-bag with soap, toothbrush, comb, deodorant, tissues etc.
  • Towel
Camino de Santiago Backpack
  • Small first aid kit with Betadine, gauze and Vaseline
  • ID Card
  • Pilgrim’s Credential
  • Cash and credit card
  • Earplugs (for a good night’s rest!)
  • Hat, baseball cap, visor or bandanna
  • Flip-flops
  • Your enthusiasm for adventure!

What is the Camino de Santiago?

The Camino de Santiago is a thousand-year-old route of pilgrimage that was born with the discovery of the remains of St. James the great.

St.James the Apostle

to Santiago

The Apostle St. James was one of those placed in charge of continuing the Christian labour begun by the Messiah before his death.

One of the main territories in his evangelical work was Gallaecia, modern day Galicia, although it was in Jerusalem that he would be executed for spreading Christianity.

Galicia Camino de Santiago

The Discovery of
his remains

After his death, his disciples Athanasius and Theodore set sail with his remains until reaching Iria Flavia, in Gallaecia, where they buried him in a forest next to Finisterre.

His grave was forgotten until the years 820-830, when a hermit rediscovered them. The Camino carried out in order order to show respect at his tomb created what is nowadays known as the Camino de Santiago.

Camino de Santiago

On your arrival in Santiago,
we are still with you

Visit our offices in Santiago and enjoy all the advantages we can provide.

We are less than 100 metres from the Cathedral.

Backpack storage

Visit the Cathedral without worrying about your backpack.

Bike transfer

We can send your bike to your home.


Get comfortable after your long journey.

Bike Storage Service

Leave your bike with us while you visit Santiago.
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