The traditional way to complete the Camino de Santiago, as it was first used by the original pilgrims.
In 2015, around 230.000 people followed one of the many routes on foot.
Signposts in the Camino de Santiago
All Caminos have easy signage to follow and walkable paths, with tailored services adapted to all kinds of pilgrims – from individuals to groups, families, dogs and disabled pilgrims. However, there are areas that are not suitable for all audiences. Although there will always be the possibility to divert slightly by an alternative path and continue with our route. Previous physical training for the Camino is essential, especially with the weight of the backpack to avoid future lesions. You have to take into account your physical fitness before starting to be able to set the kilometers that you are going to walk per day; you have to bear in mind that maybe you would have to change your route along the way due to contingencies.Physical training
As far as for training, depending on the way that you chose, we recommend you do a previous training. If you usually practice sports you just have to get used to walking with the backpack, you should train some days with it. It is advisable to go for a walk a few days before with it loaded to check our physical endurance. We recommend you walk for different kind of roads and paths with slopes and plains; starting slowly, with a calm rhythm and then start to increase the rhythm and also the time that you walk. You have to take into account that this is not a race, you have to have the stamina and make your legs stronger to be able to walk long distances. It is important how we walk if we walk totally upright and with the backpack’s weight well distributed it would be perfect. The staff will help you to walk totally upright. A key element that will allow us to preserve the posture is the pilgrim staff.
Choose the best shoes
The shoes are one of the most important things in your walking path. You shouldn’t use a new pair of shoes because your feet are not used to them. You should buy them, use them for a while and then you can do the way with them. The best option is usingtrekking boots or sports shoes because they would be perfect for rough terrains. You should also take with you a spare pair of shoes,the best option is to take a pair of flip-flops that are perfect for hot days when your feet need to breathe.The best season to walk
In order to be equipped with what is necessary and to know the future adventure, it is necessary to think, previously, in which time of the year we will do the Way. The best season to do the Camino de Santiago is spring. This season has ideal temperatures and a climate that will respect us throughout our pilgrimage and will not offer us inconveniences in the form of rains or suffocating heat.Learn more
For more advice on how to make the journey on foot, go to our Pilgrim’s Blog, where we talk about issues vital to the pilgrim.

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