How to get to Galicia
Lavacolla (Santiago de Compostela)
Located in Santiago de Compostela, it is the main airport in Galicia. It is the one with more air traffic. You can take a flight using the main airlines and you can also enjoy the airport’s services.
By bus: you can take it in floor number 0.
- You can take it at the city centre, in Plaza de Galicia square, and in some different places in Santiago such as the bus station, the train station or at Palacio de Congresos. The buses work from 7:00 am to 1:00 am every 30 minutes from the airport. On the other way from the city centre it works from 6:00 am to 12:00 am every 30 minutes. Its price is 5.10 euros per roundtrip and just one way 3 euros. For further information:
- If you want to visit any of the main cities in Galicia you can go by bus or by car. To get to Lugo you can use a regular bus from the airport to get there. This bus stops in many villages and cities such as: Arca, Ferreiros, Arzúa, Melide, Palas de Rei and Guntín and it costs 9.15 euros per journey. Its regularity is every hour and a half but you can check the timetable here:
- If you want to go to A Coruña you can get there just for 7.55 euros. From Mondays to Fridays from Lavacolla. You can take the bus at 10:00 am and also at 6:30 pm. You can do the opposite trip taking the bus at Hotel NH Atlántico hotel ( Méndez Núñez garden) from 6:15 am to 6:30 pm) For further information:
- Sobrado dos Monxes is a village of the Northern Way and French Way. There are many ways of getting there from the airport. From Mondays to Fridays at 6:10 pm. It stops in Arca, Arzúa and Boimorto. For further information:
- To be able to get to Burela, Curtis, Vilalba, Mondoñedo, Foz, Ribadeo or Viveiro there is also available a bus that do the route once per day. If you need further information you can contact us to know more about timetables and prices; you can also ask at the airport or visit the bus company webpage:
Alvedro (A Coruña)
It is located in Culleredo next to the city of A Coruña.
How to get there
- By bus: you can take the bus in floor 0. It is a regular service from the airport to the city centre and the other way round; it goes from the airport to Puerta Real and stops at Casino, Plaza de Ourense, Avenida de Alfonso Molina, Centro Comercial Alcampo, Portazgo, Corveira and Vilaboa. In working days the bus goes every 30 minutes from 7:15 am to 9:45 pm and on Saturdays to 10:00 pm. On Sundays and holidays timetable is from 8:30 am to 10:30 pm from A Coruña and the other way round from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm every hour. For further information:
- If you want to go by private car, you can get to the airport using the AP-9, getting out at O Burgo and then going through AC-211, DP-3103 and then N-550 and the AC-14AL. If you want to go from the airport to the city centre you should go through AC-14 and Alfonso Molina and then AC-11 and AC-14. If you want to go by taxi the taxi rank is next to the bus stop. If you go by taxi you should pay 0.73 cents for your luggage. You can call the taxi’s office: 0034 981 243 333 or 0034 981 287 777.
Peinador (Vigo)
It is located 9 kilometres (6 miles) from Vigo, this airport is mostly used by people from Pontevedra, Ourense, and also Northern Portugal.
How to get there
- You can go by bus: from the airport to the city centre, to Eugenio Fadrique square. It goes every half an hour from 7:30 am to 10:30 pm and on working days also at 5:55 am, 6:25 am and 7:07 am. Saturdays at 6:40 am and at 7:30 am and then the timetable is from 8:00 am to 22:00 pm every 30 minutes. Sundays and holydays from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm and from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm every half an hour. For further information:
- You can go by car: through the N-556 and then go through the AP-9 and A-55. If you want to take a taxi, they are located at the floor 0 next to the bus stop. The prices are fixed 22 euros to Vigo, Mos and Redondela.
Santiago de Compostela.
There are lots of buses that link Santiago de Compostela with other Galician places. It is located in Plaza de Camilo Díaz Baliño, near the Xunta de Galicia building and San Caetano. It is open from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. The companies that work in this bus station are:
- Alsa: It offers trips from Santiago to many destinations out of Spain such as Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Porto and Lisbon. The destinations to Spain are: Zamora, Salamanca, Mérida, Sevilla, Algeciras, Madrid, Burgos, Zaragoza, Ponferrada, Astorga, León, Valladolid, etc. For further information:
- Arriva Noroeste: It goes to Curtis, Vilalba, Mondoñedo, Burela, Ribadeo, As Pontes, Viveiro, Padrón, Boiro, Ribeira and Aguiño. For further information:
- Castromil / Monbus: It goes to Ferrol, Padrón, Caldas de Reis, Fisterra, Lalín, Silleda, A Rúa, and O Barco. And also to A Coruña, Sigüeiro, Ordes, Pontevedra, Vigo, Padrón, Pontevedra, Betanzaos, Noia, Muros, Cee, Ourense, Chantada, Monforte, Cuntis, Vilagarcía, Cambados, Sanxenxo, O Grove, A Toxa.
- Autos Carballo (Aucasa): It goes to Santa Comba, Baio, Camariñas, Carballo, Malpica, Laxe, Pontepedra and Laracha. For further information:
- Autobuses de Calo: It goes to Milladoiro, Solláns, Luou and Casal de Reis. For further information: 0034 987 548 581.
- Autos Bustelo: It goes to Rois from Santiago and vice versa. For further information: 0034 981 905 000 / 0034 981 804 173.
- Empresa Freire: it goes from Santiago de Copostela to Santiago’s airport. It also goes to Lugo, Arzúa, Melide, Palas de Rei, Sobrado and Ferreiros. For further information:
- Hermanos Ferrín: It goes to Bertamiráns, Negreira, Muxía, Tapia, A Baña, Santa Comba, Picaraña, Reborido and Casalonga. For further information: 0034 981 873 643.
And also Grabanxa, Donando Campos, Lázara, Modesto Riveiro, Mosquera and Seoane link Santiago with: Frades, Grabanxa, Nemenzo, Senra, Budiño, Cacheiras, A Estrada, Forcarei, Ponteledesma, Vila de Cruces, Bodaño, Silleda, Agolada, Monterroso, A Graña, Boqueixón, Codeso, Merés, Ponte de Sarandón y Merín. For further information about timetables you can ask in the ticket office of the bus station or also phone the bus companies (organized in order as the bus companies): 0034 981 572 584 / 0034 986 570 018 / 0034 986 580 485 / 0034 981 805 463 / 0034 981 587 124 / 0034 981 562 832.
A Coruña
The bus station is located in Calle Caballeros nº 21, near Ronda de Outeiro and also near the train station. The companies that work in this bus station are:
- Alsa: it goes to many cities in Spain but also international cities. Spain: Asturias, Madrid, Santander, Valladolid, Badajoz, Baracaldo, Barcelona, Bilbao, Córdoba, Logroño and Loja. Abroad it goes to: London, to Victoria station. For further information:
- Dainco: it goes to Algeciras and Salamanca. For further information:
- Arriva: it goes to Ferrol and Lugo, it also stops at: Abadín, Betanzos, Cabanas, Celerio, Mera, Monterroso, Sobrado, and Vegadeo. For further information:
- Monbus: it goes from A Coruña to Vigo and vice versa, to Santiago de Compostela, Ribadeo, Pontevedra, Picaraña, Carral, Caldas de Reis, A Barcia, etc. For further information:
- Autocares Vázquez: it goes to Arteixo, Carballo, Corme, Laxe, Malpica, Muxía, and Ponteceso. For further information:
- Autos Calpita: it goes to Carral and Culleredo every hour. For further information:
- Autos Grabanxa: it goes to O Burgo and Mesía, stopping at A Cabana, A Cruz, A Pastoriza, A Igrexa, A Malata, etc. For furhter information:
- Autos González: it goes from A Coruña to Ourense. For further information:
- Autos Paco: it goes from A Coruña to Ferrol and Valdoviño. For further information:
We can find many bus companies that go to many places in Spain and also international cities.
- Alsa: it goes to many cities in Northern Spain such as: Asturias, Cantabria and País Vasco. And also many different cities of Andalucía and Cataluña. For further information:
- Grupo Avanza: it goes to Madrid, Valladolid and Forcarei. For further information:
- Autna: it goes from Vigo to many Portuguese cities such as Lisbon and Porto.
- Castromil / Monbus: it goes to Cangas do Morrazo, Pontevedra, Sanxenxo, Santiago, A Coruña, Ferrol, Ourense, and Lugo. But also to: Valladolid, Burgos, Logroño, San Sebastian, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Zaragoza Lérida and Barcelona. For further infromation:
- Melytour: it goes from Vigo to Gondomar and also to the city’s university. For further information: 0034 986 442 222.
- Atsa and Autocares González: it goes to Nigrán, Playa América, Baiona, A Guarda and O Rosal. For further information:
- Vitrasa: it moves for all the city of Vigo:
The bus station of Pontevedra is located in Rúa Calvo Sotelo, near Avenida Ourense and next to the river. The companies that work in this bus station are:
- Alsa: It goes to Madrid and Lugo. For further information:
- Monbus: It goes to A Coruña, Lugo, O Grove, Ourense, Santiago de Compostela, Sanxenxo, Vigo, Barcelona, Bilbao, Burgos, Irún, Lérida, Logroño, Vitoria and San Sebastián. For further information:
- Avanza Grupo: It goes to Madrid, Tordesillas and Soutela de Montes. For further information:
- Cuiña: It goes to A Estrada, Silleda, Meis, Ribadumia, Cambados, San Pedro de Ancorados. And also to Santiago and Vigo. For further information:
- Garcia Castro: It goes to Ponte Caldelas and Carballedo. For further information:
- Núñez Barros: It goes to Vilagaría de Arousa, Illa de Arousa, Vilanova, Ponte Arnelas, Andras. And also from Pontevedra to Salnés hospital. For further information:
- Empresa Raúl: It goes to A Cañiza and O Porriño. For further information:
- Rías Baixas: It is the bus that links all the city. For further information:
You can travel from Ourense and to Ourense thanks to the following companies:
- Alsa, Anpián y Socitransa: these companies link Ourense with other international cities, you can travel from Ourense to France, England, Germany, Switzerland and Portula. For further information: you can travel from Ourense to France, England, Germany, Switzerland and Portula. For further information:
- Monbus, Auto-Res y Alsa: they go to Barcelona, Madrid, Burgos, Irún, Logroño, Palencia, Pamplona, Puebla de Sanabria, Astorga, León, Oviedo, Seville, etc. For further information:,,
- Anpián, Monbus, Autos González, Alfer y Arriva: they go to A Coruña, Lugo, Monforte, Pontevedra, Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, Lobios, Ribadavia, Xinzo de Limia, Verín, O Carballiño, Maside, Oseira, Xunqueira de Españaredo, Vilamarín, etc. For further information:,,
The bus station is located where the English Way starts, next to the train station and also near to the Plaza de España square.
The main bus companies that work in this city are Alsa, Arriva, Monbus and Autos Paco. There are also many companies that link this city with Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Ourense, Vigo, etc. This city is also linked with Betanzos, Burela, Cerdido, Cambre, Cesuras, Chantada, Fene, Melide, Moeche, Neda, Pontedeume, Palas de Rei, Ortgueira, Ribadeo, San Sadurniño, Vilalba and Viveiro.
For further information:
There are many bus companies that link this city with other Galician cities and also Spanish cities. It is located in the Plaza de la Constitución square.
- Alsa: It goes to many Galician cities but also Spanish cities such as Madrid, Málaga, Valladolid, Albacete, Algeciras, Barcelona, Mérida, Badajoz, Logroño, Oviedo, Ponferrada and San Fernando. For further information:
- Arriva: It goes to Friol, Parga, A Coruña, Abadín, Bergondo, Betanzos, Burela, Cambre, Fene, Ferrol, Foz, Guitiriz, Mondoñedo, Narón, Neda, Oleiros, As Pontes, Ribadeo, Somozas, San Sadurniño, Vegadeo, Vilalba and Viveiro. For further information:
- Autocares Her-Vei: It goes from Lugo to A Fonsagrada and vice versa, stopping in Cádavo. For further information:
- Monbus: It goes to Lalín, Monforte de Lemos, Ourense, O Barco, Pontevedra, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo.
- Empresa Freire: It goes to Lugo and Santiago de Compostela. For further information:
Santiago de Compostela.
It is the most used train station in Galicia. It is located in the south of the city. We can use the trenhotel.
This are the cities to which you can travel from Santiago:
- Galicia: A Coruña, A Gudiña, Bembibre, Betanzos, Catoira, Cerceda, Cesantes (Redondela), Ferrol, Lalín, Lugo, Monforte de Lemos, O Barco de Valdeorras, O Carballiño, O Irixo, Ordes, Osebe (Teo), Ourense, Padrón, Pontecesures, Pontedeume, Pontevedra, Redondela, Sarria, Vigo and Vilagarcia de Arousa.
- Andalucía: Almería, Antequera, Cádiz, Córdoba, Jerez de la Frontera, Málaga, El Puerto de Santa María.
- Castilla La Mancha : Albacete, Guadalajara, Toledo and Cuenca.
- Castilla y León: León, Palencia, Burgos, Valladolid, Zamora, Segovia, Salamanca and Ávila.
- Comunidad Valenciana: Valencia y Alicante.
- Cataluña: Lérida, Barcelona, Tarragona and Gerona.
- Extremadura: Cáceres and Badajoz.
- La Rioja: Logroño.
- Murcia: Murcia.
- Madrid: Madrid and Barajas.
For further information:
A Coruña
The train station is located in Avenida del Ferrocarril, nº 2, in a place called Los Mallos. The bus station is close to the train station. Open from 5:00 am to 12:00 am. From this station you can travel to many places in Galicia but also to many Spanish cities. We can use the trenhotel. You can go to:
- Galicia: A Gudiña, Baamonde, Betanzos, Cabanas, Cerceda, Cesuras, Curtis, Ferrol, Guitiriz, Lugo, Miño, Neda, Ourense, O Barco de Valdeorras, Padrón, Pontedeume, Pontevedra, Redondela, Santiago de Compostela, Sarria, Vigo, Vilagarcia de Arousa, etc.
- Andalucía: Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Jerez de la Frontera, Sevilla , Úbeda, Málaga, etc.
- Castilla La Mancha: Albacete, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Talavera de la Reina.
- Castilla y León: León, Astorga, Burgos, Segovia, Zamora, Sahagún y Valladolid.
- Valencia: Alicante, Villena, Valencia.
- Cataluña: Lleida, Barcelona and Figueres Vilafant.
- Extremadura: Cáceres and Badajoz.
- La Rioja: Logroño.
- Murcia: Murcia.
- Madrid: Madrid and Barajas.
For further information:
Vigo has two train stations: Guixar and Urzáiz. The first one is located next to the port, in Rúa Areal; and the other one is in Plaza de la Estación square. Both are open from 5:00 am to 12:00 am (Urzáiz closes at 11:00 pm).
From Vigo we can travel to many Galician and Spanish cities such as:
- Galicia: A Coruña, A Gudiña, A Pobra do Brollón, A Rúa, Arcade, As Neves, Barbantes, Barra de Miño, Bembibre, Catoira, Cerceda, Cesantes, Covas, Pontecesures, Pontevedra, Redondela, Quiroga, San Estevo do Sil, San Pedro de Sil, Santiago de Compostela, Sobradelo, Tui, Vilagarcia de Arousa, Vilamartin de Valdeorras.
- Andalucía: Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga, El Puerto de Santa María, San Fernando, Sevilla, etc.
- Castilla La Mancha: Albacete, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Talavera de la Reina.
- Castilla y León: León, Astorga, Burgos, Segovia, Zamora, Sahagún y Valladolid.
- Valencia: Alicante, Villena, Valencia.
- Cataluña: Lleida, Barcelona and Figueres Vilafant.
- Extremadura: Cáceres and Badajoz.
- La Rioja: Logroño.
- Murcia: Murcia.
- Madrid: Madrid and Barajas.
It is located in Avenida de la Estación, near the city centre. It is open from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm. There are lots of places where you can travel from here:
- Galicia: A Coruña, A Gudiña, A Pobra do Brollón, A Rúa, Arcade, As Neves, Barbantes, Barra de Miño, Bembibre, Catoira, Cerceda, Cesantes, Covas, Pontecesures, Pontevedra, Redondela, Quiroga, San Estevo do Sil, San Pedro de Sil, Santiago de Compostela, Sobradelo, Tui, Vilagarcia de Arousa, Vilamartin de Valdeorras.
- Andalucía: Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga, El Puerto de Santa María, San Fernando, Sevilla, etc.
- Castilla La Mancha: Albacete, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Talavera de la Reina.
- Castilla y León: León, Astorga, Burgos, Segovia, Zamora, Sahagún y Valladolid.
- Comunidad Valenciana: Alicante and Valencia.
- Cataluña: Barcelona and Figueres Vilafant.
- Extremadura: Cáceres and Badajoz.
- Murcia: Murcia.
- Madrid: Madrid and Barajas.
The train station is located in Plaza de la Estación square. It is the main station of the province and it is linked with the cities of Monforte de Lemos and Redondela, but also with Zamora and A Coruña. You can take here the trenhotel for long trips. It is open from 5:00 am to 12:30 am.
- Galicia: A Coruña, A Gudiña, A Pobra do Brollón, A Rúa, Arcade, As Neves, Barbantes, Barra de Miño, Bembibre, Catoira, Cerceda, Cesantes, Covas, Pontecesures, Pontevedra, Redondela, Quiroga, San Estevo do Sil, San Pedro de Sil, Santiago de Compostela, Sobradelo, Tui, Vilagarcia de Arousa, Vilamartin de Valdeorras.
- Andalucía: Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga, El Puerto de Santa María, San Fernando, Sevilla, etc.
- Castilla La Mancha: Albacete, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Talavera de la Reina.
- Castilla y León: León, Astorga, Burgos, Segovia, Zamora, Sahagún y Valladolid.
- Comunidad Valenciana: Alicante and Valencia.
- Cataluña: Barcelona and Figueres Vilafant.
- Extremadura: Cáceres and Badajoz.
- Murcia: Murcia.
- Madrid: Madrid and Barajas.
The train station is located in Avenida de Compostela, next to the bus station and very close to the Plaza de España square For long distance trips you can use the trenhotel.
- Galicia: A Coruña, A Gudiña, A Pobra do Brollón, A Rúa, Arcade, As Neves, Barbantes, Barra de Miño, Bembibre, Catoira, Cerceda, Cesantes, Covas, Pontecesures, Pontevedra, Redondela, Quiroga, San Estevo do Sil, San Pedro de Sil, Santiago de Compostela, Sobradelo, Tui, Vilagarcia de Arousa, Vilamartin de Valdeorras.
- Andalucía: Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga, El Puerto de Santa María, San Fernando, Sevilla, etc.
- Castilla La Mancha: Albacete, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Talavera de la Reina.
- Castilla y León: León, Astorga, Burgos, Segovia, Zamora, Sahagún y Valladolid.
- Comunidad Valenciana: Alicante and Valencia.
- Cataluña: Barcelona and Figueres Vilafant.
- Murcia: Murcia.
- Madrid: Madrid and Barajas.
This is not the main train station of the province of Lugo. Nevertheless, you can go to several places from this city.
It is located in Plaza de Conde Fontao, a little bit far from the city centre, but next to the Catedral de Santa María de Lugo cathedral. It is open from 6:30 am to 2:00 pm and from 3:30 pm to 00:00 am. From Lugo you can go to the following cities and vice versa:
- Galicia: A Coruña, A Gudiña, A Pobra do Brollón, A Rúa, Arcade, As Neves, Barbantes, Barra de Miño, Bembibre, Catoira, Cerceda, Cesantes, Covas, Pontecesures, Pontevedra, Redondela, Quiroga, San Estevo do Sil, San Pedro de Sil, Santiago de Compostela, Sobradelo, Tui, Vilagarcia de Arousa, Vilamartin de Valdeorras.
- Andalucía: Málaga, Sevilla, Cordoba.
- Castilla La Mancha: Alcázar de San Juan, Albacete, etc
- Castilla y León: León, Astorga, Segovia, Zamora, Miranda del Ebro and Valladolid.
- Comunidad Valenciana: Valencia.
- Cataluña: Barcelona and Figueres Vilafant.
- Murcia: Murcia.
- Madrid: Madrid and Barajas.
Santiago de Compostela.
The main way to get to Santiago de Compostela is using the AP-9 highway. Through this highway you can get to A Coruña, Ferrol, Pontevedra, Vigo and Portugal.
You can also get to Santiago using the AP-53 that is a national road that starts in Lalín. Also in Lalín you can take N-525 to go to Ourense and Madrid. Another option is using AP-6, a highway that crosses Northern Galicia through Lugo. Then you should take AP-9 before reaching A Coruña. If you are coming from Northern Spain or from Portugal you can go through A-8 and then through A-6. If you are coming from Northern Spain or from Portugal you can go through A-8 and then through A-6.
A Coruña
There are a lot of ways of getting to A Coruña, the most used one is by the AP-9, which crosses most part of Galicia. Through this highway we can get to A Coruña and other cities such as Pontevedra, Vigo or Ferrol. If you prefer to travel by national roads you should follow the N-364 that links Northern Spain with Southern France. If you want to travel to the centre of Spain, you can use part of the Autovía del Noroeste and also Autopista de Carballo.
The main entrance to the city of Vigo is through AP-9. This highway links cities such as A Coruña, Ferrol, Pontevedra or Santiago. If you are coming from Southern Spain or from Portugal, the best option is taking A-3, this highway comes from Braga to Vigo. You can also use A-6 and A-52.
This city is well connected with the other Galician cities thanks to the AP-9. Through this highway you can cross many cities such as Tui, Vigo, Pontevedra, Santiago, Coruña and Ferrol. A-8 is also a great option if you are travelling through Northern Spain. You can also use the A-6 to go to Madrid. We also have to highlight the A-52 also called as Autovía das Rías Baixas that links Northern Galicia with Ourense
going through the AP-9 in Vigo and the AP-53/AG-53 in Santiago de Compostela.
Esta ciudad del sur de Galicia también se encuentra muy bien comunicada con el resto de la comunidad gracias a la AP-9, Autopista del Atlántico. It is well communicated with the other Galician cities thanks to the AP-9, also called Autopista del Atlántico. If you want to come to Pontevedra coming from Portugal you should use the A-3. The A-52 is also used to come to Pontevedra. You can also use the VR4.1 that goes to Vilagarcía de Arousa.
Using the N-525 you can get to Madrid, A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela. We can also use the A-53. Using the N-120 you can go from Ourense to Vigo and Monforte, and using the N-540 you can go to Lugo and Braga (Portugal). If you are in Pontevedra and you want to go to Ourense you can use the N-541.
You can get to Lugo through the A-8. The AP-9 crosses most part of Galicia. You can also use the A-6, A-8 and the N-540.

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